Somewhere Else

Over the past few years, I’ve really started to notice the smaller things around me as I walk through nature. One main thing I’ve noticed is how attracted I am to water, in its various states. Flowing sections over rocks sparkling in the sunshine, various ripples that can be found nearer the edges of riverbanks or smaller details from bigger waterfalls can have me mesmerised for hours.

I like to think of this style of my photography as not necessarily a presentation of something literal, but more an expression of what it’s like for me to be in these moments. I often edit these in a way that feels like the memory I have of being there, where my thoughts were free to roam around in my mind.

All of these are made in camera using various techniques like intentional camera movement (ICM) or layering 2 images on top of each other (in camera). This multiple exposure technique is relatively new to me and has opened up a whole new world of exciting possibilities in my mind, helping me stay creative and engaged while out walking.